Who are the Medical Providers at your office that are currently accepting patients?
You can view all of our medical providers at both Classen Family Medicine and Classen Urgent Care locations on our medical provider page.
You can view all of our medical providers at both Classen Family Medicine and Classen Urgent Care locations on our medical provider page.
In addition to the usual phone calls, we can communicate to you via text, “Your Patient Portal”, emails, and any other ways you will allow us to communicate with you.
Yes, we do multiple routine labs here at our office by trained personnel. If additional labs are needed, we can send them to where they need to go for rapid results.
Yes! All X-rays are done on state-of-the-art equipment by well-trained staff. All X-rays are read on-site by your medical provider and then are verified by a radiologist if further evaluation is warranted.
Yes, although at this time we do not offer OB care, we can care for all of your other medical needs.
Yes, we have multiple contracts with multiple local companies.
Yes, at Classen Family Medicine in Moore, we see all the family members from birth and up.
Yes, Classen Medical offers most immunizations including childhood vaccinations and seasonal vaccinations, such as Flu Vaccine.
Whether you are needing vaccines for your child, or yourself, we can help you get the vaccines you need, and back on the road in no time!
Yes, we provide flu shots and vaccine’s at our Norman Family Medicine location.
QUICK and EASY, You will be on your way in no time!
Classen Family Medicine in Norman is located just west of Classen Blvd in Norman, Oklahoma. Located just north of highway 9.
We are proud to serve not only residents of Norman and students at the University of Oklahoma, but also all surrounding cities.
You can find us on Google Maps.
Yes! You can be seen at the Classen Norman Family Medicine location if you don’t have insurance.
If you are unable to use your insurance due to gaps in coverage, or have only Major Medical insurance, we have special discounted prices to help you. You can contact us for more information 405-701-3563
Classen Family Medicine in Moore is located just west of I-35 on 4th Street in Moore, Oklahoma. Located on the North side of the street, right next to the Yellow Rose Dinner Theater.
We are proud to serve not only Moore, but also South Oklahoma City, Newcastle, Mustang, Yukon, Tuttle, Valley Brook, and surrounding communities.